In order to meet the requirements of the market, CW METAL offers master alloys. Master alloys are manufactured according to the customer’s specific needs or in compliance with the following standards:
- PN-EN 575 [>]
- CEN Specification
- BN-82/0831-01 [>]
The product has the form of 430mm x 200mm x 45mm waffle plates. The weight of the waffle plate ranges from 7kg to 12 kg depending on the master alloy type. Master alloys are placed on pallets as 1000 kg piles, and the piles can also be wrapped in foil on customer’s demand.
We offer you AlMn25 which we manufacture in a form of waffle and in such form it is delivered to our Customers.
Concerning AlMn, we can also offer AlMn60 in splatter form it is produced in a form of waffles, but it crashes after producing due to its properties. In attachment please find a photo of AlMn60.
Additionally CW METAL is offering Master Alloys in TABLETS form. Especially MN75, FE 75, Silicon Metal, Metallic Magnesium